Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 9 - Atacar con algo

[ No lo vamos a usar pero informamos ]
Dattacking is an action applying to two thing.
Understand "ataca [a thing] con [a thing]" as dattacking.

Check dattacking:
    if second noun is noun:
        say "Atacar [the noun] consigo mismo... uhm... tal vez si fuese tu portador.";
        stop the action;
    if second noun is not carried:
        say "(intentas coger [the second noun] primero)";
        try taking second noun;
        if second noun is not carried:
            stop the action;
    if mejor arma is nothing:
        say "Piensas en atacar con [the second noun] pero no es un arma para nada.";
        stop the action;

Carry out of dattacking:
    let arma be mejor arma;
    if the second noun is not arma:
        say "Piensas que atacar con [the second noun] pero te das cuenta que usar [the arma] es mejor.";
    try attacking noun.